this is all about my life so enjoy. :)

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Thursday 7 September 2017

My family woke up and have a shower. After that we
breakfast. Then me and Aziz invite auliya to read at my bedroom. We was reading untill 5 o'clock. Then my dad call me to go
downstairs to eat and wash our shoes. After finish all of that works my mom said “We gonna celebrate your birthday today" my dad
was agreed with it. Me and my brother go and watch Ninjago. We watch it from season 3 episode 1 untill season 3 episode 9. When i
watch Ninjago season 3 episode 9, i was attracted with this word “It's not about number, it's about family!" Said Zane, the ice ninja. Then he died becouse of sacrificed his life for his city, family and friends. The link was down here

(Watch it untill finish pls and don't forget to read my blog after finish watch it.)
My mom are ready to buy a cake for me but my father was disagree becouse he is too tired. I was gonna cry but i hold it couse i
remember the words that Zane said from “number" to “me". So i ask my mom “can we not celebrate my birthday?" My mom
answer it like she did't care about it. So i was sad in my heart.

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